1. Cambridge is a beautiful city.

2. I'm a taxi-driver.

3. My sister is ten (years old).

4. John and Tom are Peter's friends.

5. This is my boyfriend. He's French.

6. My teacher's from Canada, and her name is Lisa.

7. Is there a bus stop near here?

8. Anna works in a bank.

9. I can speak Spanish.

10. Let's play tennis today.

11. What time do you get up in the morning?

12. How much is this T-shirt?

13. Mel loves snow, but Tom doesn't like it. (Ellipsis, Omission): I like action movies, but my brother doesn't. * I don't like action movies but Andy does. * I went to the party, but Sarah didn't. I 'm not going to the party but Mandy is. * She thought she 'd locked the door but she hadn't. * I've never been to Australia, but Donna has. * I didn't see the film, but the others did. * Who was absent yesterday? I wasn't but Sandy was

14. Has your sister got a car? - Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't. (short anwsers) Do you speak English? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't. * Had they lived in London before they moved to Manchester? - Yes, they had. / No, they hadn't. * Is she going by bus? - Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. * Did you talk to him? - Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. * Have you been waiting for long? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. * Will she send us a mail?- Yes, she will. / No, she won't.

15. I went to Italy for my holiday last year.

16. Jeff and Nancy are going to watch a film tonight.

17. Hello, can I speak to Jane, please?

18. What's your favourite sport?

19. When's our next lesson? On Monday.

20. Sorry, I haven't got any coffe. Is tea ok?

21. Anything else, Sir? That's all, thanks.

22. John hasn't got a car.

23. What shall we buy Simon for his birthday?

24. Excuse me, have you got the time, please?

25. Shopping on the Internet is easy.

26. There aren't many new houses in that street.

27. London is more expensive than New York.

28. What was the food like at the party last night? * What's Madrid like (as a place to live)?  * What's it like to live there?" * Yeah, you don't know what is like when you try, and you try, and you try, and you try, and you don't ever get there! * You know me, you know what I'm like (when I'm drunk I don't think)

29. Look! It is raining.

30. Alex loves giving presents. He's very generous.

31. What's wrong? You look upset.

32. I enjoy comedies because I like laughing.

33. Hi George!. Did you have a good weekend?

33. Would you like to go for a pizza this evening?

34. If you want to get fit, you should do more sport.

35. Have you ever been to Australia?

36. I was 18 (years old) when I started my first job.

37. I didn't watch TV last night.

38. My grandfather was born eighty years ago.

39. It was nice to meet you. See you later, I hope.

40. I'm really sorry, but I can't come to your party tonight.

41. John met his wife in 2004.

42. I'm sure we'll have a great time at the party next saturday

43. How much time do you spend doing your English homework?

44. Are you going shopping? I'll come with you if you like.

45. jane is the happiest girl in her class.

46. I wonder if you could show me the way to the train station?

47. In England people usually shake hands when they first meet.

48. Hurry up or we'll miss our train.

49. I was so embarrassed yesterday because I fell asleep in class!

50. Are you doing anything next Friday?

51. Many types of watches are made in Switzerland.

52. I failed my driving test last week, so now I'll have to take it again.

53. - I've got five sisters.
      - Have you?

54. What would you do if you won a million pounds?

55. I'm trying to save money to buy a new car.

56. You're from Liverpool, aren't you

Typically, when we ask for confirmation/denial of a statement, we say something like the following: We turn left here, don't we? * You have a cat, don't you? * We've met before, haven't we? * She will come to the party, won't she?, pairing a positive statement with a negative question, or pairing a negative statement with a positive question: We don't need that, do we? * You don't know anything about this, do you?

57. You have to study hard if you want to pass your exams.

58. I'm usually too exhausted after work to go out.

59. My parents have been married since 1985.

60. If you go to London, the Tate Modern is really worth seeing.

61. I was walking home yesterday when it started raining.

62. People say English people tend to be rather reserved.

63. Take your umbrella in case it rains.

64. Could you do me a favour, please?

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